Ice Warp Mail

IceWarp Mail Server is a commercial mail and groupware server developed by IceWarp Ltd. It runs on Windows and Linux. All-in-one office suite for executive business. Experience the immersive power of whole ecosystem of apps on one screen. Chat and email connected. Experience a new way of communication with your team and the world. Create and store documents. Share, comment, make them public. Experience the creative flow. Chat with multiple teams. Keep projects straight. Get a work done. Shift your teamwork. Work without limits. Switch desktop and mobile devices. Sync with Outlook. Work any way you want.

Some Of Its Uses Are

  • IceWarp Files, which permits users to share files. The server administrator can assign levels of accessibility for individuals and groups.

  • IceWarp Tasks, which enables supervisors to establish assignments to individuals. Tasks can include deadlines with reminders sent via email, instant message and pop-up, as well as appended instructions, a deadline, and progress monitoring.

  • IceWarp Contacts, which functions as a web-based address book. As with other groupware modules, the server administrator can assign levels of accessibility for individuals and groups.

  • IceWarp Calendars, which record deadlines and events. Calendar types include Personal, Group and Global.

  • IceWarp Notes, which enables users to document information.

  • IceWarp Journal, which permits users to chart events throughout their workday .