Make your LR (Consignment Entry)with printout.
2. Challan Entry.
3. Freight Receipt
3. Tax Billing For To Be Billed.
4. Cash Memo for To Pay.
5. Computerized Printout for Billing.
6. Monthly Report for LR, Challan, Hire Slip and Billing.
The Daily Parcel Software controls and tracks your parcel and maintain and manage your accounts of consignment note at the place of booking the parcel whether it is To Pay, To Be Billed, Paid Billty, F.O.C
Main Menu for tax investing software.
- The Working of the Freight Management software is that the first is issuing the consignment note or LR at the time of Booking the Parcel to be send to the Consignee, after that the challan is prepared by mentioning the LR number in the challan against the consignment received.
- Then Driver Hire Receipt is prepared after the payment made to the driver for the freight as against the Challan No for to get the delivery of the respected goods,where the quantity of the goods gets automatically gets mentioned by just entering the challan no.
- After visiting the consignee place the branch office will make an unloading entry in thier register.The Accounts of the Driver, Consignor, Consignee, Freight Paid, Octroi Paid and other Sundry Expenses are maintained in this Daily Parcel Software..
- The Transport Software is easy to use and user friendly. The Packing & Forwarding Software is an Auto Dispatch Management software in the sense the Transport software itself completes all repeated entries in the different vouchers by just giving the reference of the precedent vouchers or documents..
- The motorcycle tracking software prints the cash book and the bank book too. It creates the master of the vehicles along with its categories.
- The Software is user friendly and multi user, and the demo software can be downloaded by sending an e mail to us.
- There are three types of Bills Paid Billty (Paid by consignor at the time of booking.)To be Billed (Paid by the consignor afterwards) To Pay (Paid by the Consignee at the time of unloading.